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NAAAP Wellness Wednesday: 


QiGong To Align your ENERGY and MOVES Towards harmonious state of being

Join NAAAP-Chicago, NAAAP-Toronto, and special guest speakers, Master Teresa Yeung and Jacqueline H. Chan!

Experience the transformative power of  Qi Gong to align your centers of energy and move towards a more holistic and harmonious state of being.  Through a guided session, you will learn how to integrate coexisting perspectives and differing elements, enabling the emergence of a more authentic and complete self. Elevate your presence in your family, community, and business endeavors as you embody the best version of yourself, radiating harmony and authenticity.

What is Qi Gong? Dating back thousands of years as a foundation of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) involving the concept of meridians or energy channels within the body, Qi Gong is the study and practice of cultivating life force energy.  Combining breathwork, mind regulation and coordinated physical movements, Qi Gong optimizes energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being.


Special Guest Speakers;  
Master Teresa Yeung
Qi Gong Instructor | Remote Healer | Trainer | Speaker | Author

Master Teresa Yeung is a rare female generational Qi Gong master, and has been teaching Qi Gong for 29 years. She is a three-time #1 International Bestselling Award-Winning Author, speaker, and trainer, as well as the founder of Pureland International Qi Gong, a Canadian registered private Qi Gong institution. In 2023, she presented with her daughter, Jacqueline, at the Science of Tai Chi and Qi Gong as a Whole Person Health , a landmark conference organized by Osher Center for Integrative Medicine – jointly based with the Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 2023. Their presentation focused on Qi Gong to Improve Vision and Qi Gong for Menopausal Transition. Master Teresa is the leading successor of Grandmaster Weizhao Wu’s lineage, who has positively impacted millions of people. Additionally, she is a provider of continuing education professional development activities (PDA) accredited by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncturists and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) in the USA.

Jacqueline H. Chan
Qigong Practitioner & Mind-Body Meditation Expert

Jacqueline Chan holds an MA in Early Childhood Studies and a BA in Psychology, and completing her Masters of Pastoral Studies. She is a dedicated Qi Gong practitioner with decades of experience, a spiritually-integrated pre-licensed psychotherapist, and a senior Qi Gong instructor at Pureland International Qi Gong. Privileged to carry the lineage of knowledge from Grandmaster Weizhao Wu and her mother, Master Teresa Yeung, she frequently joins her mother, such as in presenting at the Science of Tai Chi and Qi Gong as a Whole Person Health conference, a landmark event organized by the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine in collaboration with Harvard Medical School and Brigham Women’s Hospital in 2023. Jacqueline bridges Eastern and Western practices and is often invited to present Qi Gong and Tai Chi at universities, colleges, and hospitals such as SickKids Hospital and the University of Toronto. She will be completing her Masters of Psychospirtual Studies in Psychotherapy and Spiritual Care (Buddhism/Interfaith) at the University of Toronto in April 2024. Additionally, she is engaged in clinical research as a member of the SickKids Research Institute and The Mindfulness Project Team at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids).


 We so look forward to you joining us and being in wonderful community together.  

*Please come as you are and interact as much/as little as you would like.  
We hope to see you there!


Each month NAAAP Chicago's Wellness program hosts a free session of self-care called Wellness Wednesday!

Wellness impacts so many facets of our professional and personal life. Small things can make a big difference, from music to taking a walk. So we've planned an interactive activity each month to help prepare for and deal with growing stressors! Lets share ways we can foster our own wellness and the wellness of our workplaces, community, etc!

Culturally sensitive sessions will be facilitated by our founding leader of NAAAP-Chicago Wellness - Dr. Elizabeth 방실 Smith Han (PsyD).


Location: Online



Registration is FREE

Consider purchasing a membership for $50 (Discounted at $35 for Non-profit/Government & $25 for Students) to take advantage of a full year of this Wellness program, as well as many other programs and events offered by NAAAP-Chicago!


Learn about our programs:


08 May 2024
7:00pm - 8:30pm CDT

Google Calendar